A new, permanent installation of Home Fires Burning: New Zealand's Vietnam War is on now on show at the Australian National Vietnam Veterans Museum, Victoria. It tells the story of New Zealand's commitment to the US-led military coalition from 1964 to 1972, and commemorates Anzac relationships forged through allegiances on the ground and in the air over South Vietnam.
Project manager Claire Hall says the exhibition creates a focal point for ex-pat Kiwi veterans residing in Australia – an estimated 16% of Vietnam War returnees. "It also adds a strong New Zealand narrative to the Anzac history on show in the museum, and provides a permanent home for some of the artefacts, stories and images gathered by Manatū Taonga over the past four years."
Kevin Bovill, a veteran of both the New Zealand and Australian services in Vietnam, says the installation "emphasises our common Anzac heritage and reminds all that the NZ in Anzac actually means New Zealand, something that Australians sometimes overlook."
NZ Consulate-General Daniel Taylor launched the exhibition in front of over 1000 supporters, including New Zealand military assistant at the High Commission in Canberra Lt Col Darren Beck, photographer and Vietnam War veteran Noel Bell from Christchurch, and Kiwi veterans from around Australia.
Click here to see a slideshow of images from the exhibition.
Exhibition images
See more photographs of the exhibition here.
Manatu Toanga Ministry for Culture and Heritage. See related exhibitions held at Papakura Art Gallery and Papakura Museum in Auckland, April–June 2012