Aerial view of Nui Dat base, circa 1968-1969. In the middle of the picture is Nui Dat hill. Situated on the hill were the SAS (bottom centre), a US signal unit (top) and the local quarry (upper left). Luscombe airstrip was to the left and Kangaroo helipad to the right.
Image courtesy Brian Edmonds
How to cite this page: '
Flying over Nui Dat
', URL: https://www.vietnamwar.govt.nz/photo/flying-over-nui-dat, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 28-Apr-2011
That would be Kangaroo Pad
That would be Kangaroo Pad to the centre right, sure. Can see helicopters! But Luscombe Field would be just off the picture to the left. Kangaroo and Luscombe were opposite sides of "The Hill".
Thanks for this Robin. I've
Thanks for this Robin. I've amended the caption above. Gareth Phipps.