New Zealand rifleman from 3 Platoon, W3 Company aboard Centurion tanks of the Australian 1st Armoured Regiment, Vietnam, September 1970. This photo was provided by Pte Neil Ure (sitting on the tank, far right).
Image courtesy Mike Subritzky
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New Zealand soldiers aboard Centurion tanks
', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 06-Aug-2014
Above photo shows 3Pl W3 people
The above photo is of 3Pl W3 with a Centurion tank, taken in September 1970 during land clearing operations. The link to the photo and story is and the photo was provided by Pte Neil Ure seen sitting on the right on the tank. Pte Ure later moved to V5 Coy when W3 returned to 1RNZIR.