The NZ General Service medal (with Vietnam clasp) is presented to NZDF and civilian recipients, May 2008.
Left to right: Mr Robert Lloyd; VCDF AVM (Rtd) David Bamfield; CAF AVM G. Lintott; Master Aircrew (Rtd) Bill Cowan; GSH Ian Trott; GSH Tauranga Stirling; SQN LDR Warren Dale; GPCAPT (Rtd) Ian Brunton; WGCDR Bryan Francis.
Image courtesy of Air Force News
Reference: OH-08-0322-07
How to cite this page: '
NZDF Vietnam medal ceremony
', URL: https://www.vietnamwar.govt.nz/photo/nzdf-vietnam-medal-ceremony, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 05-Sep-2013
L-R. Mr Robert Lloyd; VCDF
L-R. Mr Robert Lloyd; VCDF AVM (Rtd) David Bamfield; CAF AVM G.Lintott; Master Aircrew (Rtd) Bill Cowan; GSH Ian Trott; GSH Tauranga Stirling; SQN LDR Warren Dale; GPCAPT (Rtd) Ian Brunto; WGCDR Bryan Francis.