There are two reasons why I am alive today. The relationship I have with God and my wife. Without her I would have committed suicide many years ago as I grappled with the rejection by my country because I was a combat soldier in Vietnam.
In the attached memoir, through the pictures of the models I created out of bone and stone, I have tried to show the way I saw what the rejection by New Zealand did to me and why I believe we, Vietnam veterans, have more difficulty than any other returned soldiers in dealing with officialdom and especially Veterans' Affairs.
We are a special breed because no other group of soldiers in New Zealand history was rejected by those who asked them to go to war. Put enough stress upon us and most will run away and not fight for the benefits we are entitled to.
A few veterans have been able to lead the fight for us and paid the price. For those men and women I am grateful.
- Read Dennis Griffin's 'Journey to health' memoir and 'A Knight's tale' autobiography (pdf)
Dennis Griffin